Tangoing in the Tarlo - on tomorrow
The Tango in the Tarlo 6 and 12 hour rogaines are on Saturday 27 November. Sydney and people coming from the north, please come via Towrang. See the event page final instructions.
The Tango in the Tarlo 6 and 12 hour rogaines are on Saturday 27 November. Sydney and people coming from the north, please come via Towrang. See the event page final instructions.
Entries are open for the Twilight in the Trees three-hour rogaine on Saturday afternoon/evening.
The event will be based at the National Rock Garden, Barrenjoey Drive, on the western end of Lake Burley Griffin and take in the lake edge, arboretum and Aranda and Black Mountain Nature Parks. Grab some friends or your family, pack a picnic and enjoy three hours of rogaining fun.
Enter by midnight next Sunday (28/11) to avoid late fees.
Due to the ongoing lockdown in the ACT, the Night and Day events scheduled for Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September are cancelled.
Instead check out the Mt Rogers, Ainslie-Majura or Jerrabomberra virtual events for your local exercise, or try one of the virtual orienteering events in your suburb.
UPDATE 18 November:
We have been anxiously watching the weather forecast and have decided to postpone the Tarlo rogaine to the weekend of 27th November (one week on). With moderate rain on Saturday and heavy rain Saturday night-Sunday the local bridges would flood and block access. I’m sure the local landowners would love to have 200+ people as labourers for a couple of days, but you might all go a bit hungry.
Apologies and sorry for those who may not be able to make the swap.
What do you need to do?
We will open entries again until midnight Tuesday 23 November for anyone who can now come who couldn’t make the original date. Hope you can still make it. The bush is at its’ best.
Kind regards from the sun orchid.
Entries now close midnight Tuesday 23 November.
As the rogaine is in NSW, we will be operating under the NSW COVID-19 restrictions. This means you must be double vaccinated to participate in the rogaine. You must also bring evidence of your vaccination status.
You will be able to choose a 6 hour or 12 hour course and given you’ve been bush starved for so long, the 12 hour option could be very popular!! It will be run Covid safe - split starts, mask wearing at registration, social distancing. Remember that the lockdown may have eased but the virus hasn't. The 12 hour event will start at 11am and the 6 hour event will start at midday.
The event will be in Tarlo River National Park, just north of Goulburn, which has some of the best spur and gully rogaining country around. The flowers will be in full bloom and the moon will be up – not that you’ll need much extra light with the long daylight by then. The Hash House will be on private property adjoining the National Park and free camping is permitted.
If you are looking for a partner let us know (1 person looking).
Check out the photos of the area: Tarlo photos The controls have all been hung and the flowers are stunning.
Print or view: Final Instructions Tango in Tarlo
Please comply with all lockdown provsions in the ACT region and we hope that the event may be able to be rescheduled at some time in the future.
This year's metrogaine will cover Belconnen and the Inner north. With a lot designated crossings of major roads, and sone out of bounds, this event should challenge your route planning skills! Not to mention a lot of water over recent months, so you can expect all the rivers (and a lot of the ground!) to be flowing.