2022 Metrogaine results
This year's metrogaine was a 6 hour event covering parts of Belconnen and the Inner north.You will discover plenty of hidden gems - check out the photo gallery for a taste.
This year's metrogaine was a 6 hour event covering parts of Belconnen and the Inner north.You will discover plenty of hidden gems - check out the photo gallery for a taste.
The Australian Rogaining Championship were held at the end of May in South Australia, the race was titled ‘Deceptive Lands’ and by all reports it was a navigationally challenging course. A small but strong contingent of competitors from the ACT found their way to South Australia despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Unfortunately for the other competitors, the dynamic duo of Julie Quinn and David Baldwin found their way to the start line and promptly proceeded to run 115km over the next 24 hours and claim the title of Australian Rogaining Champions for 2021! Congratulations Julie and David for your great effort.
Congratulations for other champions Jean Douglass and Grant Battersby with Queenslander Richard Robinson (who lost his team mates due to COVID travel restrictions) and won the Mixed Ultraveterans and 3rd Supervets; Parissa Poulis and Pat Miethke who won Women’s Ultravets and 3rd Supervets; and Chris Guerin and Holly Ashburner 2nd Mixed Youth.
Meet Rob - ACTRA’s 4th of July Winter 4 hour ‘Rob Roygaine’ that is. This year we were back in the Rob Roy Nature Reserve just south of Tuggeranong for the first time for 10 years - last used at the height of the Gillard era on election night in 2010 and for the 2011 Paddy Pallin.
Thanks to MapRun Maestro, Jon Glanville, for making more marvellous Mt Majura mayhem for over 250 rogainers and their friends during June. It was great to see so many people taking advantage of the Paddy Pallin sponsored map to tackle Canberra’s urban fringe in the Ainslie/Majura area, especially on some magical winter days on the long weekend.
It is pleasing that there have been no reports of failed control site pings, though we can’t vouch for the odd navigational error!
A big virtualgaine virtual prize to overall leader Matt Crane, who cleared the course in an amazing 2:40:21, only seconds ahead of his fellow national orienteering league teammate, Tomas Krajca, with Tom Banks third overall.
Congratulations also to an impressive contingent of Canberra Grammar School students who spent a stunning sunny Sunday 13 June chasing their course-clearing coaches Matt Purcell and Braedy Jaugietis around the mountains!
Full MapRun results are available on the app itself, but because we can’t tell whether participants were solo or in teams, or in mixed groups or joining with friends not timed using MapRun, a modified breakdown of the top 30 times plus other placegetters (using as close as possible to our usual rogaine classifications – in this case Y<20, J<26, Open, Vet 40+, Supervet 55+, Ultravet 65+) is attached.
It’s May again and time for more MapRun Mayhem
After the success of the Mount Rogers and Queanbeyan/Jerrabombera virtual rogaines, it’s time for the Ainslie Majura 4 hour virtual rogaine.
This rogaine uses MapRun software to record your visits to the controls. Here’s what you need to know: