6 hour 0930; 6 hrs |
Course Description
Come and join us as we return to this well-loved and beautiful area, located approximately 35kms south of Tharwa just off the Boboyan Rd. The area offers generally open and fast going, gentle rolling slopes and pleasant streams - there are only a few prickly places. Our experienced course setter Doug, ably assisted by Colin, Mike and Marg, have worked hard to ensure that this will be a family/new competitor friendly event. With good views from numerous controls, it promises to be an event to remember. Please plan to use car pooling as parking will be restricted.
Photos, Stories Etc.
The people who brought this event about
Coordinator | Setters/Vetters | Admin | General Help | Catering | Control Collection |
Glenn Bridgart | Doug Collier Colin Mock Mike Harrap Marg Harrap Graham Atkins |
Lyndall Adam Julie Quinn |
Kathy Saw David Moore Sarah Bishop Lex Cogle Peter Young (First Aid) |
Hartley Lifecare | Don McLean |