24 September Night Foot 5 hour / |
Course Description

Teams are welcome to enter for either night and/or day events, but these will be treated as separate events for points calculation. If entering for both events, you will need to submit two entries. As only one entry fee is payable, please indicate when entering for the second event that you have also entered for the first - so the second fee can be remitted. There is ample parking and camping space at the HH, but no facilities, so please BYO camping gear etc. Meals will be available at the end of each of the two events, but we are not providing breakfast.
Photos, Stories Etc.
The people who brought this event about
Coordinator | Setters/Vetters | Admin | General Help | Catering | Control Collection |
Stephen Goggs | Paul Cuthbert Andrew Rowe Alex Tyson |
Stephen Goggs Paul Cuthbert Claire Edwards Glenn Bridgart (trailer) |
Stephen Goggs Paul Cuthbert Tom Brazier (first aid) Kathy Saw Anne Sawkins Jackson Bursill |
Hartley Lifecare | Stephen Goggs Leanne Wilkinson Lisa Cutfield David Clark |