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What is Rogaining?

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19 Oct 2024
11:00AM -
Spring, Creek, Trail 6/12hr rogaine
Yanununbeyan NP

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26 Oct 2024
3-6hr Surprise Rogaine (NSW)
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8 hour /24 hour Saturday 23rd October noon - Sunday noon

The ACT champs returns to the beautiful high country of the northern Snowy Mountains NW of Adaminaby and NE of where this year's Australian Championships were held. It is perfect rogaining country, with not much undergrowth, and vegetation that varies from magnificent tall gum forest with occasional wetter fern gullies to open alpine plains. After a wet winter, the vegetation should be vibrant in spring, and there is abundant wildlife such as lyre birds to accompany you throughout the event. There are even several historic alpine huts to visit on the course. The Hash House is on a property on the edge of Kosciuszko National Park and offers good camping. Driving time to the Hash House is approximately 2 hours from Canberra.


Full Results of the 2010 ACT Rogaining Championships Rogaine held on 23/10/2010 at Snowy Mountains near Adaminaby
24hr event results Overall Category/Age Place MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS J F Score Time In Team Names 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 3670 1927 10 Phil Whitten, Stu Adams 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 3670 2227 15 David Baldwin, Julie Quinn 3 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 3590 2343 25 Jonathan Worswick, Joel Mackay 4 3 - - - - - - - - - - 3370 2345 13 Keith Conley, Adam Hunter 5 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 3170 2352 27 Gill Fowler, Alexa McAuley 6 - - - 2 1 1 - - - - - 2820 2333 8 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 7 - - - 3 - - - - - - - 2520 2354 5 Craig Mottershead, Jasmine Elson 8 4 - - - - - - - - - - 2360 2255 4 Aaron Coles, Dane Roberts 9 - - - 4 2 - - - - - - 2070 2339 7 Marg Harrap, Mike Harrap 10 - - - 5 - - - - - - - 2020 2332 47 Michael Challen, Sean Hodgman, Jess Hutchison 11 5 - - - - - - - - - - 1830 2332 38 Brad Malone, Matt Adams 12 - - - 6 3 - - - - - - 1670 2317 14 Nihal Danis, Richard Sage 13 6 - - - - - - - - - - 1570 1958 22 Lee Rice, Andrew Szydzik 14 7 - - - - - - - - - - 1550 2345 26 David Knights, Gareth Denyer, Vince Carolan 15 8 - - - - - - - - - 1 1390 2341 45 Doug Collier, Peter Collier 16 9 - - - - - - - - - - 1230 2350 9 David Barlow, Andrew Love 17 - - - 7 4 2 - - - - - 1180 2301 30 Geoff Lawford, Jenny Bourne 18 - - - - - - 2 1 - - - 990 2307 1 Leanne Aust, Jenny Horsfield 19 - - - 8 - - - - - - 2 840 2254 18 Paul Cuthbert, Tara Sutherland, Zoe Cuthbert, Ella Cuthbert 20 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 600 2340 32 Mira Kozik, Sonia Kupina 21 - - - 9 5 3 - - - - - 500 2318 2 Jack Palmer, Jane Reynolds 22 - - - - - - 4 - - - - 460 2329 17 Angela Farrell, Sonya Furner 23 10 - - - - - - - - - - 400 1505 39 Marcin Kozik, Alan Mansfield 24 - - - 10 - - - - - - 3 350 2317 28 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone, Stephen Hassell 8hr event results Overall Category/Age Place MO MV MS XO XV XS WO WV WS J F Score Time In Team Names 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1610 749 42 Graham Atkins, Sandra Oliver 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - - 1420 806 46 Anna Hyslop, Rohan Hyslop 3 - - - 3 - - - - - - - 1300 755 31 Lachlan Bourke, Ariane Roseblade 4 - - - 4 1 - - - - - - 1240 753 37 Kris Nash, David Hogg 5 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1190 747 11 Ian Booth, Wayne Gregson 6 - - - 5 2 - - - - - - 1130 727 33 David Poland, Toni Brown 7 - - - 6 - - - - - - - 1090 802 50 Keri Vaughan, Robert Peters, Brett Schumacher 8 - - - 7 3 - - - - - - 1020 751 49 Lex Cogle, Dot Russell 9 - - - 8 - - - - - - - 980 804 12 Russell Barrow, Jacqui Poldy 10 - - - 9 4 1 - - - - - 790 745 16 Roger Bonnick, Ian McAuley, Helen McAuley 11 2 2 2 - - - - - - - - 720 739 6 Roger Edwards, John Kelly 12 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 650 722 3 Seona Meharg, Liz Eedle, Beth Huber 13 - - - 10 - - - - - - - 650 822 44 Philippe McCracken, Julia McDonald, Mishka Talent 14 - - - 11 5 - - - - - - 640 712 48 Jonathan Miller, Phillipa Matthews 15 - - - 12 - - - - - - - 620 649 36 Bill Taylor, Chris Catterall, Didi Dinn Martin 15 - - - 12 - - - - - - - 620 649 35 Irving Underwood, Ben Power, Chris Farrow, Alice Palmer 17 - - - 14 - - - - - - - 510 744 56 Peter Anderson, Jason Smith, Louise Rigozzi 18 - - - 15 - - - - - - - 480 754 41 Alison Chambers, Edgar Jimenez, Adam Woodman, Alan Foulkes 19 - - - 16 6 - - - - - - 370 751 20 Sean McElhinney, Sue Janas 20 - - - 17 - - - - - - - 270 601 29 Sophie Davies, David Fuentes 21 - - - 18 - - - - - - - 240 814 40 Niccy Aitken, Marion Hoehn, Richard du Rietz 22 - - - - - - 2 - - - - 170 824 23 Shoko Okada, Nerida Gibb

Category Results of the 2010 ACT Rogaining Championships Rogaine held on 23/10/2010 at Snowy Mountains near Adaminaby
Results for the 24hr event Overall Men Open 1 1 3670 19:27 Phil Whitten, Stu Adams 3 2 3590 23:43 Jonathan Worswick, Joel Mackay 4 3 3370 23:45 Keith Conley, Adam Hunter 8 4 2360 22:55 Aaron Coles, Dane Roberts 11 5 1830 23:32 Brad Malone, Matt Adams 13 6 1570 19:58 Lee Rice, Andrew Szydzik 14 7 1550 23:45 David Knights, Gareth Denyer, Vince Carolan 15 8 1390 23:41 Doug Collier, Peter Collier 16 9 1230 23:50 David Barlow, Andrew Love 23 10 400 15:05 Marcin Kozik, Alan Mansfield Overall Men Veteran 3 1 3590 23:43 Jonathan Worswick, Joel Mackay Overall Xmixed Open 2 1 3670 22:27 David Baldwin, Julie Quinn 6 2 2820 23:33 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 7 3 2520 23:54 Craig Mottershead, Jasmine Elson 9 4 2070 23:39 Marg Harrap, Mike Harrap 10 5 2020 23:32 Michael Challen, Sean Hodgman, Jess Hutchison 12 6 1670 23:17 Nihal Danis, Richard Sage 17 7 1180 23:01 Geoff Lawford, Jenny Bourne 19 8 840 22:54 Paul Cuthbert, Tara Sutherland, Zoe Cuthbert, Ella Cuthbert 21 9 500 23:18 Jack Palmer, Jane Reynolds 24 10 350 23:17 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone, Stephen Hassell Overall Xmixed Veteran 6 1 2820 23:33 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 9 2 2070 23:39 Marg Harrap, Mike Harrap 12 3 1670 23:17 Nihal Danis, Richard Sage 17 4 1180 23:01 Geoff Lawford, Jenny Bourne 21 5 500 23:18 Jack Palmer, Jane Reynolds Overall Xmixed Superveteran 6 1 2820 23:33 Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson 17 2 1180 23:01 Geoff Lawford, Jenny Bourne 21 3 500 23:18 Jack Palmer, Jane Reynolds Overall Women Open 5 1 3170 23:52 Gill Fowler, Alexa McAuley 18 2 990 23:07 Leanne Aust, Jenny Horsfield 20 3 600 23:40 Mira Kozik, Sonia Kupina 22 4 460 23:29 Angela Farrell, Sonya Furner Overall Women Veteran 18 1 990 23:07 Leanne Aust, Jenny Horsfield Overall Family 15 1 1390 23:41 Doug Collier, Peter Collier 19 2 840 22:54 Paul Cuthbert, Tara Sutherland, Zoe Cuthbert, Ella Cuthbert 24 3 350 23:17 Andrew Hassell, Elinor McKone, Stephen Hassell Results for the 8hr event Overall Men Open 5 1 1190 7:47 Ian Booth, Wayne Gregson 11 2 720 7:39 Roger Edwards, John Kelly Overall Men Veteran 5 1 1190 7:47 Ian Booth, Wayne Gregson 11 2 720 7:39 Roger Edwards, John Kelly Overall Men Superveteran 5 1 1190 7:47 Ian Booth, Wayne Gregson 11 2 720 7:39 Roger Edwards, John Kelly Overall Xmixed Open 1 1 1610 7:49 Graham Atkins, Sandra Oliver 2 2 1420 8:06 Anna Hyslop, Rohan Hyslop 3 3 1300 7:55 Lachlan Bourke, Ariane Roseblade 4 4 1240 7:53 Kris Nash, David Hogg 6 5 1130 7:27 David Poland, Toni Brown 7 6 1090 8:02 Keri Vaughan, Robert Peters, Brett Schumacher 8 7 1020 7:51 Lex Cogle, Dot Russell 9 8 980 8:04 Russell Barrow, Jacqui Poldy 10 9 790 7:45 Roger Bonnick, Ian McAuley, Helen McAuley 13 10 650 8:22 Philippe McCracken, Julia McDonald, Mishka Talent 14 11 640 7:12 Jonathan Miller, Phillipa Matthews 15 12 620 6:49 Bill Taylor, Chris Catterall, Didi Dinn Martin 15 12 620 6:49 Irving Underwood, Ben Power, Chris Farrow, Alice Palmer 17 14 510 7:44 Peter Anderson, Jason Smith, Louise Rigozzi 18 15 480 7:54 Alison Chambers, Edgar Jimenez, Adam Woodman, Alan Foulkes 19 16 370 7:51 Sean McElhinney, Sue Janas 20 17 270 6:01 Sophie Davies, David Fuentes 21 18 240 8:14 Niccy Aitken, Marion Hoehn, Richard du Rietz Overall Xmixed Veteran 4 1 1240 7:53 Kris Nash, David Hogg 6 2 1130 7:27 David Poland, Toni Brown 8 3 1020 7:51 Lex Cogle, Dot Russell 10 4 790 7:45 Roger Bonnick, Ian McAuley, Helen McAuley 14 5 640 7:12 Jonathan Miller, Phillipa Matthews 19 6 370 7:51 Sean McElhinney, Sue Janas Overall Xmixed Superveteran 10 1 790 7:45 Roger Bonnick, Ian McAuley, Helen McAuley Overall Women Open 12 1 650 7:22 Seona Meharg, Liz Eedle, Beth Huber 22 2 170 8:24 Shoko Okada, Nerida Gibb

Category Results of the 2010 ACT Rogaining Championships Rogaine held on 23/10/2010 at Snowy Mountains near Adaminaby
The people who brought this event about
Coordinator Setters/Vetters Admin General Help Catering Control Collection
Glenn Bridgart Sue Brown, John Brown, David Singleton, Dan Clark, Natalie Chan, Chris Hatherly, Matilda Thomas, Cam Mitchell, Adrian Sheppard, Judy Jenkinson Colin and Colleen Mock Ron Simpson, Jean Douglass Hartley Lifecare Ron Simpson, Jean Douglass, Grant Battersby, Andrew Rowe