2020 Paddy Pallin report
The event explored the most southern suburbs of Canberra including Mt Tuggeranong and the Murrumbidgee River corridor. 100 point controls tempted teams to the north of the course on the hills around Waniassa.
Overall winners were Julie Quinn and David Baldwin, only 50 points ahead of Elena Koudasheva and Ivan Koudashev. Results are now available. Also Strava Fly-by
Many thanks to the organisers and setters Fergus Macleod, Greg Hosking, Charlie Henshaw, Jean Douglass, Ron Simpson, Miranda and Rhianna Sherley, Brad Vallette and Benita Sommerville. Of special note, the course as a metrogaine was about the fourth option of a site for this event after challenges with site access and areas being burnt - many thanks to the organisers!