The 2024 Tuggeranong Hills and Playgrounds 6 hTuggeranong1our metrogaine will be held in the southern suburbs of Canberra on Sunday 4 August, 9:30 - 3:30pm. You'll get to explore an intricate network of footpaths and playgrounds and the glorious views of the Brindabellas. Or you can partake in the more bush sections of the course. 

$45 full entry/ $36 concession. This is the one ACTRA event a year where solo entries are permitted. 

Entries are now closed. 

Final instructions are now posted on the event page

Tuggeranong Homestead will be assisting us with catering (and with an awesome hash house location), don't forget to bring your own plate/bowl/mug/cutlery if you wish to partake.